Pendulous Breasts, The Worst Insecurity Among Women
If you don't do anything about your sagging breasts, or don't know what you can do about them, sagging breasts can keep your life pretty much in check. Plastic surgeon Helen G. knows this better than anyone. She has performed thousands of breast surgeries in her lifetime and researched the effects of bras on breasts.
Helen's research has shown that almost all bras affect the shape and firmness of the breasts. This manifests itself in reduction of volume and drooping of the breasts. Helen was so shocked that major bra brands are the root cause of droopy breasts that she decided it was time for a change.
If you are currently suffering from hanging breasts, I know exactly how you feel. I have also had. I developed the sagging two years ago and it took almost a year to find a real solution. I tried everything from exercise to massages, creams. I even considered surgery, but on second thought I definitely don't want to take those health risks.
I almost thought I would never be happy in front of the mirror again. Until I heard about Helen's revolutionary proprietary bra design. The Anti-Sagging Breasts Bra. The giants in the bra industry have already pressured several times to take Helen's research offline, fearing that women would stop buying their bras en masse. But this never stopped Helen.
At first, I didn't actually believe this could help. But after all the positive feedback from other women, I decided to just give it a try anyway. And I am so glad I did!